Single Black Women: Admire Them and Leave Them Alone | Dallas South News By: Jeff Bolton – KLIF 570’s host of The Jeff Bolton Show Young black women in America – many of whom have been grossly labeled in the vile underbelly of hip hop culture with street monikers — bitches, ho’s and baby mamas — are displaying a gutsy propensity in 2010 to succeed in life on their own terms, and this has the chattering classes truly abuzz because these women are succeeding without the benefit of marriage to stable, faithful, loving black men.Young Black Women If you’ve been listening to the pop culture media machine lately, much ado has been made about the dearth of intelligent, faithful, successful black males for the growing pool of single, unmarried, successful black women. In the same discussion, much has been made of the startling statistics confirming that single, unmarried, successful black women are earning advanced college degrees at a rate far greater than young black males. These i...